What Constistutes A Strong Oral Routine?

lady brushing her teeth

It is no secret that a strong smile attributes to overall positive wellbeing. This is because you’re more likely to demonstrate smiling confidence with strong teeth and gums. This will instantly uplift your well-being through happiness.

Oral health isn’t just about the look and feel of your appearance. There are multiple facets to your oral health because it constitutes overall mouth functioning as well as appearance. Poor oral health links to other adverse health conditions as well, and if you’re not looking after your teeth and gums appropriately, bacteria and infection levels can rise and cause irreversible damage to your smile.

Therefore, as part of a general lifestyle, looking after your teeth and gums should be right at the top of the list as it can have a big impact on your life.

Start by performing the right oral habits to keep your teeth healthy. Below outlines of what those habits should be as part of a strong oral routine.

Brush And Floss Twice A Day

It goes without saying, brushing your teeth is of utmost importance and is a basic fundamental to a strong oral routine. You should also perform dental flossing. Flossing helps to remove any stubborn food particles in between your teeth that are not possible to remove with your soft bristle toothbrush. Food debris is a trigger for dental plaque to build up around your teeth, which may become dangerous if it’s not removed.

Perform Tongue Scraping

After eating, the food debris naturally lands on your tongue and transforms into bacteria causing bad breath. Bacteria can collate with a plaque to attack your enamel. Therefore, you should consider purchasing a tongue scraper and performing tongue scraping because this will keep your tongue at a natural colour, but also remove the bacteria that are causing the bad odour in the mouth.

Drop The Sugar

Sugar is a major culprit for adverse dental problems, and unfortunately, sugar, whether processed or natural, can be found in many different foods. Sugar combines with bacteria to form acid, and the acid can attack your enamel, causing all sorts of bacteria to penetrate inside your teeth. You may consider consuming sugary treats in moderation, but remove any sugar from your meals.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

If the dentist checks you in for an appointment, then it is important that you attend. It is recommended that you visit the dentist a minimum of two times a year. The frequency could increase further if the dentist identifies concerns with your oral health that need addressing. The dentist will examine the state of your oral health and offer professional advice on how to keep your teeth strong and healthy. Are you guilty of not visiting the dentist?

Eat Plant-Based Foods

Foods that contain calcium and phosphorus are naturally found in plant-based foods. These two minerals, particularly calcium, help to remineralize your enamel for it to remain stronger. This is formally known as remineralization. Plant-based foods such as fruit and vegetables, dairy foods such as yoghurt, cheese and milk, and fish all contain good sources of calcium.

Start Performing A Strong Oral Routine Today…

If a strong oral routine does not contain the five tips above, then it is important that you consider applying them. Your teeth and gums will thank you and in return, you’ll receive a confident and contagious smile that can change the quality of your life.

If you’re seeking support and advice from a professional, we at Western Sydney Smiles are ready for you. Simply contact us for a check-up today!

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