Gums Whitening – How To Improve The Appearance Of Your Gums

Gums Whitening

You should be able to show off your smile if you put in the daily effort to keep your teeth and gums clean. Naturally, oral health degrades as we age, but sometimes it escalates due to a lack of oral care or a dental accident. When this happens, it naturally becomes difficult to smile in public because of low smiling confidence. 

For example, one of the other reasons why many people avoid smiling is because of how their gums look. They may show too many gums, or the appearance of their gums isn’t clean enough due to a form of discolouration.

Gum Discoloration – Can It Happen?

There are several reasons for gum discolouration. Most of these cases are due to melanin, a pigment that can cause your gums to become brown or even black. Gums can darken due to other reasons as well, such as smoking or even genetics. 

There is also a condition that can cause gum discolouration too, called acute necrotising periodontal disease. This is referred to as black gum disease. This is due to dead tissue, which can cause bleeding gums, throbbing pain and a bad odour in the mouth. Combining this with smoking can cause the disease to spread.

Gum Whitening Treatment

Dentistry has uncovered a whitening gum treatment designed to improve the look and feel of your gums. 

So, what is whitening gum all about?

Get rid of those darker pigments on the gums because excess melanin causes those gums to darken. Whitening gum or gum bleaching involves using a laser to lift the excess melanin and to avoid the melanin from appearing again.

A thin layer of the gum tissue is removed so that the cells that produce melanin no longer appear. New tissue will begin to form during the healing process. When the treatment is complete, your gums to deliver a natural pink colour.

Whitening gum treatment typically takes 30 to 40 minutes at a single appointment. 

Can Anybody Have Whitening Gum Treatment?

Gums must remain healthy, and it’s as simple as that. If your gums are not healthy for one of the following reasons, then you are likely to be eligible for whitening treatment:

  • If you’ve dark gums caused by melanin build-up leading to discolouration
  • If you’re taking blood thinners that causes excessive bleeding
  • If you’re experiencing oral disease 
  • If you’ve thin gum tissue which causes root sensitivity

What Happens After Gum Treatment?

The next step after whitening gum treatment is the aftercare process. You’re not expected to experience much discomfort after treatment is complete unless you have sensitive gums where you may experience a degree of sensitivity. 

The bleaching agent placed on your gums requires some time to settle. This means there may be a small impact on being able to eat and speak normally. However, this isn’t expected to last very long, and you should expect to speak and normally eat between one to two weeks.

How Much Does Treatment Cost?

Whitening gum treatment is a relatively new form of treatment, thanks to evolving dental technology. However, typically, treatment can start from $2000. Although, treatment can vary depending on a few external factors. 

  • Location – how much of your gums are covered by discoloured pigments causing dark stains on your gums?
  • Depth – What colour are they? The darker they are then, the depth is expected to be quite deep.
  • Time – The dentist will determine how much treatment time you require, which can also factor in how much it will cost to get treatment.

Ultimately, once the dentist has performed a thorough examination of your teeth and gums and finds your gums are showing a dark colour, whitening treatment is likely to be recommended. Consult your dentist in St Marys today if you require whitening gum treatment.

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