What Is A Dental Filling? How Long Does A Dental Filling Take?

dental filling treatment

Dental fillings are a popular choice of treatment for moderate tooth damage and restoring general mouth functioning. How your mouth functions are greatly dependent on the health of your teeth, and the dentist will typically look at dental filling treatment as an option if you’ve developed a cavity in the root of your tooth.

Cavities can be small or large, and people typically wonder how long a dental filling takes to complete. Straight off the bat, this depends on the severity of the cavity and the amount of treatment time needed to resolve it.

This is further broken down below, including everything you need to know about dental filling treatment.

How Does Dental Filling Treatment Work?

Dental fillings treatment is designed to restore the functioning of your tooth by filling holes and cracks in the centre of the tooth. The dentist is required to remove decay and clean the tooth. 

To do this, the dentist typically numbs the affected area first to lessen the discomfort that a patient may feel. The dentist will then clean any debris from the affected area with specialist tools, including removing any decayed portions of the tooth.

The patient and the dentist will agree on the type of filling material to use, which can also impact the time it takes to complete the treatment. Once the decayed portions of the tooth are removed, the dentist will apply the filling before it’s adjusted and polished to ensure the bite is back to normal.

What Happens After Dental Filling Treatment?

Once the procedure is complete, expect some numbness in the mouth, particularly until the anesthesia wears off. Eventually, the pain will disappear, leaving your mouth pain free.

That’s not all. After dental filling treatment, it is essential that you perform strong oral care to keep the filling firm and strong in its place.

Here’s a breakdown of the key oral care steps to perform:

  • Visit the dentist regularly for a check-up
  • Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste to strengthen your enamel and prevent further decay
  • Avoid chewy and hard solids as this can dislodge and expose the filling
  • Using antibacterial mouthwash to remove harmful bacteria

How Long Does A Dental Filling Take?

Typically, a dental filling takes one hour or less to complete. It may even take just 20 minutes, but it does depend on how large the filling is. 

Composite fillings may be required once an impression is taken of the tooth. This may mean it takes two appointments to bond the filling. Inlays or Onlays typically take multiple visits. An impression is taken to create the filling, and it’ll be bonded to the tooth at a second appointment.

How Long Does A Dental Filling Take To Set?

Here is a breakdown of different dental fillings along with the time they could take:

  • Amalgam Fillings – The strength of the filling grips after 24 hours. Avoid eating hard foods until the filling has fully strengthened. 
  • Composite Fillings – These are typically light-cured and are set with regular layers. Each layer takes about 20 seconds maximum per layer.
  • Ceramic Fillings – The bonding adhesive is cured in seconds, meaning it hardens itself straightaway at the treatment.

If you’re seeking dental filling treatment for a cavity, then consult the dentist as soon as possible to avoid the cavity getting worse.

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